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Transformative Surgeries

Transformative Surgeries


When I was transitioning, I couldn’t find anything on what the procedures were really like. I could find information on what is done, where to go – just the basics. But everything was general: Three weeks recovery, don’t lift anything over 20 pounds, etc. But I wanted the nitty gritty. I wanted the real story - warts and all… What did it feel like? How long did it take to recover? Did it help with the dysphoria? Are you happy with what you’ve done? Would you do it again? 


I wanted to make sure other trans women had access to some of this crucial information. That’s why I created this e-Book – so you would know what to expect and how to prepare as best you can. 

Chances are, most trans women will have at least one (maybe all) of the surgeries I’ve had and talk about in the book. I’ve had twelve procedures in four surgical events in the last two years… If you’re feeling lost and overwhelmed, let me help you prepare. The truth from one trans woman to another. Knowledge is power and when it comes to transgender surgeries… knowledge is EVERYTHING!

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